Why Windows Devices Pose Risks in OT Networks

Targeted by Malware

Windows devices are often the primary targets for malware and ransomware attacks due to their widespread use and known vulnerabilities. The infamous WannaCry ransomware, which exploited a vulnerability in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, is a prime example. Such attacks can disrupt critical industrial processes, leading to significant operational and financial impacts.

Inadequate Security Configurations

Unlike dedicated OT systems, Windows devices may not always be configured with stringent security measures. This can result in unauthorized access, system compromise, and potential process disruptions. The default settings on Windows devices often activate various services and protocols that, while useful in general IT environments, can introduce vulnerabilities in OT settings.

Third-Party Tools

It is common practice for Windows devices to utilize third-party tools in order to enhance functionality, convenience and meet specific requirements. While these tools can improve security and operational capabilities, they may also introduce vulnerabilities or conflicts if not integrated or tested carefully within the OT network.

Default-Activated Services and Protocols as Attack Vectors

One notable security risk associated with Windows in OT networks is the presence of services and protocols enabled by default. While these can streamline setup in dynamic networks, in OT networks, where configurations are largely static, they can introduce new (or known) attack surfaces. The following examples outline some protocols and services that warrant particular attention:

File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks (NetBIOS)

Attack Vector: Vulnerabilities in file sharing protocols can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to sensitive files, distribute malware, or move laterally within the network. 

OT Usage: It is typically unnecessary for OT systems to engage in frequent file sharing, which is more common in office environments.

Remote Desktop Services (RDP)

Attack Vector: RDP is a common target for initial network access. This has been observed in the context of ransomware, for example. 

OT Usage: In OT environments, remote access is typically used within the network for configuration purposes. However, it should not be used from outside the local network.

Windows Remote Management (WinRM)

Attack Vector: Misconfigured WinRM can permit unauthorized remote management and control of OT devices.

OT Usage: Typically, remote management in OT is conducted through dedicated, secure channels.

Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol

Attack Vector: SMB vulnerabilities (e.g., EternalBlue) can be exploited to execute remote code, steal data, or propagate malware, especially when using outdated versions like SMB v1 and v2.

OT Usage: File sharing in OT is uncommon and typically conducted through more secure, controlled methods.

Windows Update Service

Attack Vector: This service looks for updates and installs them automatically. The implementation of automatic updates may result in the introduction of untested changes, which could potentially disrupt OT operations.

OT Usage: It is common practice to manage updates manually in order to guarantee compatibility and stability in OT environments.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

Attack Vector: SNMP is employed for the administration and observation of network-connected devices. It can be used to gather detailed information about network devices, which can be exploited to launch targeted attacks.

OT Usage: Network management in OT is typically conducted through specialized, secure systems.


Attack Vector: Telnet provides access to virtual terminals of remote systems on local area networks or the Internet. It transmits data in plain text, making it vulnerable to interception and exploitation.

OT Usage: Secure alternatives like SSH should be preferred for remote connections in OT.

It is strongly recommended that the services described above be disabled in an OT context whenever possible. If this is not a viable option, a risk assessment and suitable mitigation measures must be defined.

Mitigation Strategies

To mitigate the risks associated with Windows devices in OT networks, we recommend the following strategies:

Maintain a complete 
asset inventory

Check that the inventory of all your assets and their configurations are up-to-date comprehensive

Harden all Windows 

Disable unused services and protocols, close unused ports, and ensure that only essential functions are enabled

Use strong 

Replace default credentials with strong, unique passwords and implement multi-factor authentication where possible

Enforce vulnerability management

Implement a tailored process for your vulnerability management

Update and patch 

Keep Windows devices up to date with security patches and test updates in a controlled environment prior to deployment

Prepare recovery strategies

Have an emergency patch process and backup and disaster recovery strategies in place

Implement network segmentation

Isolate Windows devices on OT networks to limit the potential spread of malware and unauthorized access

Conduct regular 
security audits

Regularly review and audit Windows device configurations and network traffic to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities

Employ detection processes

Implement network monitoring, intrusion detection and an incident management process.

Addressing these countermeasures can significantly improve the security posture of OT environments and protect critical infrastructure from potential cyber threats. The unique needs of OT networks require a tailored approach to managing Windows devices to ensure that industrial processes remain secure and uninterrupted.


Eric Heindl

Cybersecurity Analyst, OMICRON

Eric Heindl describes himself as an IT guy with a heart for OT cybersecurity. In his role as Cybersecurity Analyst, he analyzes vulnerabilities in OT/IT networks, gives trainings on cybersecurity aspects of web applications and websites, and demonstrates cyber attacks on substations and energy operators.